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Healthy living is happy living. Our health depends on our eating habits. The nutrients present in food help the cells in our bodies to perform the necessary functions. Where we eat and how fast we eat could make a huge difference in the digestion process. The type and amount of food we intake defines our body weight and size. People should understand the importance of balanced diet so as to avoid various digestion related problems such as gas, bloating, indigestion, acidity and constipation.
What is the need of Balanced Diet?
We often hear that it is necessary for us to be healthy. But what is the key to become healthy? The answer is by taking a proper nutrition and a balanced diet. Balanced diet leads to a good mental and physical health. Proper nutrition intake is the key element for living a long healthy life. Nutrients provide us energy, helps in breakdown of food and promotes cell growth.
Some tips for healthy lifestyle given by our Ayurvedic practitioners are:
What is the role of digestion?
Digestion is the process of breaking food into smaller molecules so that they are easily absorbed by our body. The process of digestion begins from mouth. The teeth and the enzymes present in saliva, breaks down the food. The food reach the stomach through oesophagus tube. The stomach is the holding tank of food with strong muscular walls. These muscles contracts for purpose of mixing up of food. Various gastric acids such as hydrochloride acid and pepsin are released in the stomach lining to digest protein and carbohydrate. Then the semi-digested food (chyme) is delivered to the small intestine for further digestion.
What is the main cause of digestion related problems?
With modernization in lifestyle, people are adopting unhealthy food habits. Modern lifestyle has led to increase in the usage of fancy and high-calorie food items in our daily diet. Trend of eating junk food has become a habit in children and youth living away from home. In last 20-30 years, people have reduced the water intake and are shifting towards sugary and flavoured beverages, increased the proportion of eating cold and processed food.
According to Ayurveda, inappropriate eating habits and eating harmful foods like fried foods, sugary drinks and processed meats can cause indigestion and as a result of which people start facing problems like gas, bloating, acidity and constipation.
What is the solution?
In order to get rid of these problems, people should learn to eat the right amount of the right food at regular intervals of time. People should consume simple food of healthy quality in a cheerful atmosphere.
What is meaning of Gas, Acidity and constipation?
Gas: Gas or bloating occurs when our digestive system is not able to break down certain foods, such as the sugar (in dairy products) and protein (gluten in wheat). Gas usually enters the stomach while swallowing certain food and drinks.
Causes of Gas
Gas in the digestive tract comes from two sources:
Swallowed Air: Air swallowing is the most common cause of gas in the stomach. While eating or drinking everyone swallows small amounts of air. But eating or drinking quickly, eating chewing gums and doing excessive smoking results in intake of more air in the stomach.
Breakdown of Undigested Foods: Human body does not digest some carbohydrates in the small intestine because of the shortage of certain enzymes that helps digestion. Then this undigested food is passed from the small intestine into the large intestine where some harmless bacteria break down the food and produce hydrogen, carbon dioxide and methane. Ultimately this gas exit through the rectum.
Symptoms of having Gas problem are
Ayurvedic Herbs for Gas and Indigestion
2. Acidity
When we eat a meal, stomach release a gastric juice called hydrochloric acid to break down the food and aid digestion. Acidity is a condition that is caused by the excessive production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. Acidity is characterized by a feeling of heartburn around the lower chest area, which is usually caused by stomach acid that is flowing back towards the food pipe.
Causes of Acidity
It is generally caused due to lack of exercise, irregular eating patterns, alcohol consumption etc.
Symptoms of acidity are
Ayurvedic Herbs for Acidity
3. Constipation
According to Ayurveda, constipation is a Vata condition which is caused by low water and inadequate fibre intake. Constipation is a disorder of digestive system in which the affected person experiences infrequent bowel movements. Constipation occurs when the large intestine absorbs too much water from the stool as a result dry and hard stools are passed.
Causes of Constipation
Symptoms of constipation are
Ayurvedic Herbs for Constipation
Our ayurvedic company makes use of 100% natural herbs to produce herbal ayurvedic medicines for curing gas, indigestion, acidity and constipation. All products are safe to use and are free from side effects. Your health is our top priority. We hope that with the help of our ayurvedic products, you will get relief from all stomach and indigestion related issues. Whatever your problem is, bring to us. Our ayurvedic practitioners will give you best personalized guidance and support.
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