Jeevan Care Ayurveda
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Jeevan Care Ayurveda
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We eat food but it is not effective for our bodies. Our body requires proper nourishment to a healthy life. Nowadays many peoples are facing some challenges related to Body grain. With weakness, we cant survive practically and mentally.
Asthenia is also known as “Weakness”. In this human body feels…
Hair Loss and Baldness
Now-a- days, many people are becoming victims of hair fall. It can occur due to stress, pollution and poor quality of water. Different people are trying different types of hair fall control oils and shampoos but nothing has worked so far. Now, the…
Psoriasis is a disease that cause fast build-up of skin cells. This build-up of cells cause whitish-silver scaling on the surface of skin. These extra skin cells also cause red patches that are itchy and painful.
Psoriasis results from speed-up of skin production process. In a normal human being, skin…
आमतौर पर लोग गुदा से संबधित सभी रोगों को बवासीर या पाइल्स समझते है, लेकिन इसमें कई और रोग भी हो सकते है। ऐसा ही एक रोग है फिशर। फिशर एक ऐसा रोग है जिसमे आपकी गुदा की नलिका में किसी प्रकार का कट या दरार बन जाता है, फिशर…
Are you afraid of Thyroid Surgeries and Synthetic Thyroid Hormone Pills? If ‘yes’, then you have reached a right place. Today, thyroid related disorders are very common. Out of 1 in 20 people has some kind of thyroid disorder, which can be permanent or temporary. It is resulted from of…